Felipe Cunha Bawden, Cristiane Assis Oliveira, Paulo Caramelli.
Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto da apnéia obstrutiva do sono (AOS) sobre a cognição.
Método: Dezessete pacientes com diagnóstico polissonográfico de AOS foram submetidos a testes cognitivos breves e seu desempenho, comparado ao de 20 controles audáveis, emparelhados por idade e escolaridade. Os testes realizados foram Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM), Bateria Breve de Rastreio Cognitivo (BBRC), Dígito-Símbolo (DS) e Fluência Verbal Fonêmica (FAS). Medidas antropométricas e da Escala de Sonolência de Epworth também foram coletadas.
Resultados: Pacientes com AOS tiveram desempenho significativamente pior que controles no MEEM, em itens de memória da BBRC, no DS e no FAS. Pacientes também exibiram maior índice de massa corpórea, maior circunferência cervical e maior pontuação na escala de sonolência de Epworth que os controles. Conclusão: A AOS compromete significativamente o desempenho cognitivo, especialmente em atenção, memória e funções executivas. Estes déficits podem ser detectados por testes breves e de fácil aplicação.
Objective: To evaluate the impact of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) on cognition.
Method: We compared the performance of 17 patients with polysomnographic
diagnosis of OSA in brief cognitive tests to that of 20 healthy controls, matched for age and education. The testing battery included the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Brief Cognitive Screening Battery (BCSB), Digit-Symbol (DS) and Phonemic Verbal Fluency (FAS). Anthropometric measures and scores from the Epworth Sleepiness Scale were also recorded.
Objective: To evaluate the impact of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) on cognition.
Method: We compared the performance of 17 patients with polysomnographic
diagnosis of OSA in brief cognitive tests to that of 20 healthy controls, matched for age and education. The testing battery included the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Brief Cognitive Screening Battery (BCSB), Digit-Symbol (DS) and Phonemic Verbal Fluency (FAS). Anthropometric measures and scores from the Epworth Sleepiness Scale were also recorded.
Results: OSA patients performed significantly worse than controls in the MMSE, in memory items from the BCSB, in DS and also in FAS. OSA patients also exhibited higher body mass index, increased neck circumference and higher scores in Epworth Sleepiness Scale than controls.
Conclusion: OSA significantly impairs cognitive performance,
especially within the domains of attention, memory and executive functioning. These deficits may be detected by brief and easy-to-administer cognitive tests.
especially within the domains of attention, memory and executive functioning. These deficits may be detected by brief and easy-to-administer cognitive tests.
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