Caio Augusto de Souza Nery, Rui dos Santos Barrôco, Jorge Mitsuo Mizusaki, Sérgio BruschIni.
Os autores apresentam os resultados preliminares obtidos no tratamento de oito pacientes (nove pés) portadores de esporão posterior do calcâneo associado à deformidade de Haglund. Segundo a técnica, através de incisãotransversa posterior, realiza-se a desinserção parcial dotendão de Aquiles e, sob visão direta, pratica-se a ressecção da exostose intratendínea e da eminência póstero-superior da tuberosidade posterior do calcâneo. O tendão éreinserido à zona cruenta resultante da osteotomia através de âncoras ósseas, nas quais passam fios resistentes de absorção lenta. Com este método, foram obtidos seis pés com bons resultados (66,7%), dois com regulares (22,2%) e apenas um com mau (11,1%). Apesar do pequeno período de seguimento pós-operatório, os autores consideram a técnica como útil e segura no tratamento desta afecção.
Haglund deformity associated with posterior exostosis of the calcaneum The results obtained in the treatment of eight patients (nine feet) with posterior exostosis of the calcaneum associated with Haglund deformity are presented. A new surgical technique was used in which, by a transverse posterior incision,
the posterior portion of the calcaneum was exposed and the exostosis resected. The Achillis tendon was reattached to the posterior tuberosity of the calcaneum with bone anchors using strong sutures. With this method, six feet (66.7%) were considered good, two feet (22.2%) fair and only one (11.1%) was classified as a poor result. Besides the short follow-up time, the authors find the method useful in the treatment of this condition.
Haglund deformity associated with posterior exostosis of the calcaneum The results obtained in the treatment of eight patients (nine feet) with posterior exostosis of the calcaneum associated with Haglund deformity are presented. A new surgical technique was used in which, by a transverse posterior incision,
the posterior portion of the calcaneum was exposed and the exostosis resected. The Achillis tendon was reattached to the posterior tuberosity of the calcaneum with bone anchors using strong sutures. With this method, six feet (66.7%) were considered good, two feet (22.2%) fair and only one (11.1%) was classified as a poor result. Besides the short follow-up time, the authors find the method useful in the treatment of this condition.
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