O presente relato de caso refere-se a um paciente portador de artrite gotosa, o qual, devido à doença, apresentou algumas limitações que restringiram, e modificaram o andamento de suas atividades diárias, principalmente durante as crises agudas. Este estudo proporciona um maior conhecimento sobre as principais dificuldades que o paciente enfrenta e o que fazer para amenizálas, tornando-o mais produtivo, com o intuito de inseri-lo na vida social ativa. Como a artrite gotosa é uma patologia que acomete as articulações, pretende-se, neste trabalho, descrever a doença, suas causas, manifestações clínicas e evidenciar os principais obstáculos fomentados pelo paciente portador, relacionados com sua auto-estima e com o convívio social. Por ser o tratamento, em maior instância, preventivo, pois não há cura para a doença, salientar-se-á a importância do auto-cuidado a fim de melhorar a auto-estima e a qualidade de vida do paciente. A coleta de dados iniciou durante a internação hospitalar com seis visitas domiciliares subseqüentes; em cada uma, a autora permaneceu aproximadamente uma hora junto ao paciente.
As entrevistas foram previamente agendadas e realizadas durante os meses de março a junho de 2001. Com base nessas informações, sentiu-se a necessidade de realizar este relato de caso com o intuito de compreender melhor a patologia e suas peculiaridades.
As entrevistas foram previamente agendadas e realizadas durante os meses de março a junho de 2001. Com base nessas informações, sentiu-se a necessidade de realizar este relato de caso com o intuito de compreender melhor a patologia e suas peculiaridades.
The present case report refers to a patient carrying gouty arthritis who, due to the disease, has presented some limitations which restricted and changed the course of his everyday activities, mainly during the acute crises.
This study provides a greater knowledge on the main difficulties the patient faces and suggests what should be done to ease them, making him more productive, with the purpose of fitting him in an active social life. As the gouty arthritis is a pathology which attacks the joints, this work is intended to describe the disease, its causes, clinical manifestations, as well as finding out the main obstacles fomented by the disease-carrier patient, concerning his self-esteem and social contact. Being the treatment greatly preventive, since there is no cure for the disease, the importance of self-care is pointed out in order to improve the patient’s self-esteem and quality of life. The data collection was conducted during the stay in the hospital and six subsequent home visits; in each of them, the author stayed beside the patient for about an hour. The interviews were previously scheduled and were carried out from March to June in 2001. Considering the information obtained, it was needed to report this case with the aim of having a better understanding of the pathology and its peculiarities.
The present case report refers to a patient carrying gouty arthritis who, due to the disease, has presented some limitations which restricted and changed the course of his everyday activities, mainly during the acute crises.
This study provides a greater knowledge on the main difficulties the patient faces and suggests what should be done to ease them, making him more productive, with the purpose of fitting him in an active social life. As the gouty arthritis is a pathology which attacks the joints, this work is intended to describe the disease, its causes, clinical manifestations, as well as finding out the main obstacles fomented by the disease-carrier patient, concerning his self-esteem and social contact. Being the treatment greatly preventive, since there is no cure for the disease, the importance of self-care is pointed out in order to improve the patient’s self-esteem and quality of life. The data collection was conducted during the stay in the hospital and six subsequent home visits; in each of them, the author stayed beside the patient for about an hour. The interviews were previously scheduled and were carried out from March to June in 2001. Considering the information obtained, it was needed to report this case with the aim of having a better understanding of the pathology and its peculiarities.