sábado, 30 de abril de 2011

Lateral Elbow Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)

Lateral elbow epicondylitis is a controversial disease, from correct naming to true etiology, from pathophysiology to the best means of treatment. Several conservative modalities and various surgical techniques have been employed for the treatment, without reliable or reproducible results. Several physical therapy modalities have debatable outcomes and, like other treatment modalities, such as shock wave therapy, do not seem to alter the natural course of the disease. Corticosteroid injections offer volatile relieve, leading to collagen deterioration in the long run. Other treatment modalities are in lack of trials to prove their efficacy. The surgical treatment has several open techniques: percutaneous tenotomy, extensor carpi radialis brevis lengthening, anconeus transposition, and Nirschl’s classical procedure, with angiofibroblastic tissue resection. The arthroscopic technique has been employed recently. Almost all procedures, whether conservative or surgical, yield satisfactory results from 80% to 90%.

Click to Download: Lateral Elbow Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)

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